Friday in the Mountains “Sound the Alarm!”

Good afternoon, from the mountains of Kentucky! It’s a windy spring day in the mountains. The trees are beautiful! All of the blooming trees are in full color. Friday finds me busy with assignments that signify the spring semester is winding down. During this time, there is always extra work consisting of year end meetings, various writing assignments that need to be scored, classroom observations, and numerous interviews with students entering the education program. Thus, comes added stress to complete work in a timely manner. So, how do I deal with this added stress?

First and foremost, I like to rise early to pray and spend time in the word. Anything we need or questions we have, can be found and answered in His word. Secondly, I love to cook and bake. Cooking and baking are both therapeutic and help relieve anxiety and stress. While in the kitchen, I find it to be an opportune time to focus on Him. I love to listen to good gospel music, inspiring podcasts, and videos about the goodness of God. Today, I listened to a good friend of mine speak about sounding the alarm! This was the topic of the sermon at church yesterday! It’s time to sound the alarm. Time to be about our Father’s business. it’s time to be out in the highways and the byways and asking others to come to church, get to know Christ, and form a relationship with Him. During my time in the kitchen listening to and being inspired by others, it was also a wonderful time to pray.

Spending time in the word is a way to grow and learn.

As I chopped vegetables for a big kettle of homemade soup I called out the names of neighbors, friends, and family. I lifted them up to the Lord for their various needs, and most of all for their salvation. It’s time to sound the alarm! While I kneaded dough, I thought of the process of baking bread. We should follow the instructions in the recipe. If a step in the process is overlooked, the bread may not rise. Likewise, we must always follow the Lord’s instructions. If we overlook others whom the Lord is bidding us to invite to know Him, they may not be saved. If we don’t follow what He asks us to do, we may not grow to our full potential in Christ. Let’s follow His instructions. Sound the alarm!

Homemade crusty seeded yeast bread fresh from the oven!
Homemade vegan beef less veggie soup

So, for now, I’m off to bake my bread! I’m anxious on this rainy spring day to enjoy a bowl of homemade vegetable soup with a slice of crusty homemade bread. This has been a prosperous and insightful Friday in the mountains. I’ll leave you with the message from our Thursday night service! Sound the alarm! Work while there’s time! Sound the alarm! Invite those you may see in the grocery store, witness on social media, encourage all those whom you meet. During her live, my friend shared about a young couple she recently invited to church. They were anxious to come, and they came. It was sad to find out they had wanted to go to church before she asked them, but hadn’t been invited by anyone and didn’t know where to go. Be that person who loves and invites others to get to know Christ. You never know when the person behind you in the checkout line at the store, may be waiting for someone to invite them. Don’t pass opportunities up, instead, sound the alarm! Jesus is coming back! God bless! Feel free to comment and follow.

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